
I live close to the Batic Sea and make walks with my dogs by the coast and in a small forrest by the sea almost every day. There, surrounded by nature of all kinds, I find the inspiration to most of my work. The connection between nature, body and mind is one of my biggest interests. In some of my later works I try to feel and listen and to let my art be a voice or a kind of medium for the silent nature.

I was educated at Konstfack, University College of Arts, Crafts and Design in Stockholm, (MFA), the first three years at the Textile department and then two years at the Art department. I work in different technics like weaving, embroidery, dyeing, sewing, collage and painting to make wallhangings, installations and objects. 

I work both with my own projects and together with other artists. I have an always ongoing cooperation with Maria Wahlgren, where we embroider on the same pieces to be able to ”make larger works in a slow technic.”

Elizabet Christiansson, 2022